We climbed the 114 steps to the light (actually, the last couple of steps are off limits, we could only look at the light).
The windows below the top were too dirty to get good shots of the outside, but I took a couple inside.
Wednesday, we drove to the William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge south of us, some 5,000 acres of wetlands, oak savanna, grasslands and forest, with a few roads, some raised plank trails, and overlooks, to see wintering Canada geese and whatever else that would pose.
We parked the car and tried to get closer, but the geese wouldn't have it.
Then T-Day, turkey with all the trimmings, Burton's pies for dessert, and football.
Friday morning, we drove back to PDX where Judi and Lew caught the plane for San Diego, took off on time, but returned because of mechanical problems, took off in another plane and made it home late in the day. We drove home in typical Oregon weather, hail, then sun.
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